Episode 301

How to Run a Successful Cold Call (Data From 41K Calls)

Ever wonder what *really* keeps prospects hooked during cold calls? 

Now we know – and it’s all because of Hyperbound’s latest analysis of over 41K cold calls. 

Listen to this Daily Sales Show Episode to learn how to run cold calls, proven ways to keep prospects on the phone, and how to book that meeting at the end. 

You’ll leave with top permission-based openers, monologues, and pitch strategies to increase your call length and book more meetings. 

You'll Learn:
  • How much filler words impact your cold call success rate
  • Steps to closing a cold call in 40 seconds
  • The power of permission-based openers (and how to use them)

The Speakers:

James Buckley and Richard Smith

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Thank you to our sponsors: SaaStock, Hyperbound, Aligned

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The Daily Sales Show
Daily conversations with the top sales professionals