Episode 302

Increase Your Close Rate by 45% With This Discovery Framework

Marcus Chan isn’t just a master closer – he’s also one of the top closing coaches in the sales game today.

After working with hundreds of reps and sales leaders, he has a real-world perspective on what it actually takes to close deals today.

Based on his 45.2% close rate, he shared the top strategies he uses for landing deals – including his signature P.O.W.E.R.F.U.L. framework for discovery.

Watch and learn how to leverage “first layer” questions, find real pain points, demo *only* what’s relevant, and follow up – all to increase your closed-won rate.

You'll Learn:
  • How the P.O.W.E.R.F.U.L. framework digs deep in discovery
  • 8 steps Marcus uses to maintain a 45+% close rate
  • How to use “first layer” questions to get the info you need

The Speakers:

James Buckley and Marcus Chan

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The Daily Sales Show
Daily conversations with the top sales professionals